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Smart City Technologies to Become a $100 Billion Industry this Year

The surging use of artificial intelligence and IoT technologies continues fuelling the growth of smart city technologies as more and more cities look for...

Sustainability in Construction: AI Provides Solution to Building’s Energy Efficiency Without Reconstruction

As the modern real estate market is shifting towards energy efficiency and eco-friendliness, over 30% of buildings in the EU are in concern. The...

Urban Digital Twins set to create the first real world Metaverse for the decarbonization...

Digital Twins are forecast to form the essential building blocks of a Metaverse which connects the physical world with the virtual, enabling optimal urban...

Commercecon buduje nową halę produkcyjno-magazynową dla Electropoli

W Nowej Soli powstanie nowa fabryka Electropoli, europejskiego lidera w zakresie usług obróbki powierzchniowej. Przygotowanie projektu hali magazynowo-produkcyjnej o łącznej powierzchni ponad 11 tys....

ABB launches world’s fastest, most sensitive drone-based gas leak detection and greenhouse gas measuring...

HoverGuard™ will transform safety and environmental measurement capabilities for operators of millions of kilometers of pipelines traversing the globe. Pipelines often cross inaccessible terrain to...

Digital Twins can prevent US cities under-reporting their carbon emissions

Cities across the United States are underreporting their carbon emissions by an average of 18.3% according to Nature Communications, the journal for research across...

ABB urges greater adoption of high-efficiency motors and drives to combat climate change –...

In a new whitepaper published this week, ABB reveals potential for significant energy efficiency improvements in industry and infrastructure enabled by the latest and...

Cracow, Wrocław and the Tri-City take the lead on the office market in the...

Nearly half a million square meters of modern office space was delivered to the office market in the key regional cities in 2016. The leader’s position was retained by Lesser Poland’s capital, followed by, amongst others, Wrocław and the Tri-City. According to the report’s authors at BNP Paribas Real Estate Poland, current pipeline projects will also support the high growth dynamics in 2017.

Ingersoll Rand Discusses Compressed Air Systems Improvements within the Industrial Manufacturing Sector at ManuTalk...

Ingersoll Rand expert addresses how data-driven, end-to-end assessment of the compressed air system maximises sustainability, reliability and quality objectives

LOYTEC received the 2016 Lux Award for the Manchester Airport Project

The international jury awarded LOYTEC the award for “Project of the Year 2016” in the “Industrial and Transport Lighting” category and emphasized the benefits of the DALI lighting system.
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